My fav shortbread recipe I often gift and camp with.
Louise' Short Bread
It's so incredibly easy to make honey
Louise shared this recipe with me many years ago,
Here is my easy version
It is so good to camp with!!
Louise shared this recipe with me many years ago,
Here is my easy version
It is so good to camp with!!
Louise' Short Bread
(Chris's Lazy Version of it)
2 C plain flour
1/2 C raw sugar
250 gm salted butter
2 tbsp rice flour
I melt the butter and add the dry ingredients
The when combined into a smooth dough I press into in a baking dish
Cook at 180C for approx 15 to 20 mins
Keep an eye on the goldeness you would like
The baking time depends on how thick your short bread is and large your pan
Optional slice to slice up
Dust with icing sugar
Perhaps make a stencil to make a shape with the icing sugar