Hello hello on this Sunday evening,

Some news you may like to know, a few days ago the Victorian government placed an abrupt ban on farmers' markets due to concerns social distancing measures were not being adhered to. The response from the Melbourne Farmers Association and the Victorian Farmers Market Association saw intense discussions that had this new ruling overturned in time for the weekend markets to continue. This situation also now has Farmers markets recognised by the Department of Agriculture, as the best practice for food markets.

They have seen what we all knew and enjoyed.

It was a situation that did not need to occur however it did bring further security to our access to local fresh foods.





The 2 markets Fill Good attend are such precious spaces where our food is available in open-air, and local producers can supplying fresh and delicious foods and enjoy some goodwill and cheer where masks and 1.5 meters apart can not dampen!

It is wonderful to share the simple act of shopping in our community and nourishment for the soul too! There is always good cheer, support and a wonderful co-created space of service from the market attendee and the local producer.

It is indeed such a time that pleasure and humour are essential, the pleasure of food, the pleasure of the open air, the humour of this surreal experience we are having. What else can we do but laugh and pleasure ourselves? Service is also another great cure. The benefits to oneself from the act of service is huge.

Many a myth, tale and historical event show our strength grows when we face our shadow. To run from it or stay frozen increases the fear, to turn to face it, the courage to do so has us already halfway there. Whatever this may look like, the same applies. Look at it head-on, bring the honesty, love, strength, and a healthy dose of pleasure and humour to ease the pain and watch it heal.

The creativity that occurs in the human condition when times get tough is staggering and to harness this and to bring forth our gifts is magnificent. Let's open to these with pleasure and humour.


I have loved Dumbo Feather for years! 

Here is a magnificent website and magazine to find comfort, humility, and inspiration as the tales of everyday people are shared who are opening to their unique gifts and service to our world. Their last edition was on the power of Local Community.

In the words of Winston Churchill

“Difficulties mastered are opportunities won.”


“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.”

My friends we are still here for you,  hand packing every item, so no plastic shall pass, we handwrite on each a love heart as in the evidence from Dr Masaru Emoto our intention is reflected back in the water within.

Below are water crystals viewed under a high powered microscope that has the listed words and actions applied, have a peek at this...

This time will pass, our kindness will last

Lots of love
Chris and the Fill Good Fam x

We acknowledge that this newsletter was written on and our business is located on Wurrundjeri Country. We pay respects to Wurrundjeri elders, past, present and emerging. 

